“No matter who you are, what background you come from, race, religion, ethnicity, just acceptance and open-mindedness to others' ideas and thoughts.”

— Jonathon

I grew up in DeKalb and I am currently in law enforcement and I'm a police officer here in the city of DeKalb. I just believe DeKalb's a little better environment to grow up in and raise kids.


I hope my picture will convey that anything is possible. No matter how your childhood was, how your upbringing was, no matter your circumstances. That you can still make something of yourself and become some type of positive role model, no matter what your past or history entails of.


“Belonging can be something that's not necessarily tangible. It can be a specific person if they make you feel yourself.

Pretty much anywhere where you feel 100 percent yourself and don't have to put up any barriers.”



